What is Mental Health Housing?

There are 5 different types of Community-Based
Mental Health Housing programs in New York State.
All of them vary based on the need of the individual seeking treatment.

  1. Congregate Treatment (CR) - Licensed - Transitional: These rehabilitative residential programs teach skills, offer support, and help residents in their recovery so they can achieve the highest level of independence possible. These residences are single-site facilities, with private or shared bedrooms, for up to 48 individuals. Meals are provided, as well as on-site rehabilitative services and 24 hour staff coverage. This level of housing is appropriate for individuals who need rehabilitative services in a non-hospital setting prior to placement in more permanent community-based housing.

  2. Apartment Treatment (TAP) - Licensed - Transitional: These programs provide a high level of support and skills training to individuals in community-based apartment settings. TAP is designed to be transitional in nature, with an average length of stay of 18 months. Residents gain skills and independence, learn to use community programs, and develop a community support system of friends and family. Staff work on-site with each resident, providing rehabilitative and supportive services designed to improve an individual's ability to recover, and eventually access more independent housing options.

  3. Community Residence/Single Room Occupancy (CR/SRO) – Licensed - Transitional/Service Enriched, Extended stay; This program type offers on-site services for individuals who want private living units, but who have minimal self-maintenance and socialization skills. Living units are usually designed as studio apartments or as suites with single bedrooms around shared living spaces. A CR/SRO must maintain 24 hour front desk security and make services available (i.e., case management, life skills training, etc.).

  4. Supported/Single Room Occupancy (SP/SRO) – Unlicensed - Long-term or Permanent: This type of housing program is where residents can access the support services they require to live successfully in the community. There is no OMH certification or licensing process. An SP/SRO can be located in a building existing solely as a SP/SRO, or integrated into a building that serves other population groups. Front desk coverage is proved 24 hours per day. However, other 24 hour staffing is not required. An SP/SRO must make services available to residents.

  5. Scattered Site Supported Housing (SSSH) –Unlicensed - Permanent: As an alternative program to licensed transitional housing, Scattered- Site Supported Housing enables individuals to live more independently in the community. Supported Housing residents live in apartments in the community and receive housing case management services as needed.

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