Rochester First: WROC - 2/28/19 - 'Bring It Home' Coalition rallies for more funding for mental health housing

ROCHESTER, NY (WROC) - The "Bring It Home" Coalition held its weekly rally to encourage the governor to add more funding for mental health housing to the budget.

Currently, Governor Cuomo marked $10 million to help community-based housing programs, but inflation has taken a huge chunk and advocates say that is putting people at risk.

"As those property costs go up, what happens is some of the money or a lot of the money has to be taken from services to pay for those increases," explains Doug Cooper, associate executive director. "These are programs that really help people recover from serious mental illness. However, if we do not fund them adequately, they're at risk of going under and people's recovery is at risk."

The group will be protesting every Thursday until the budget is passed.

Watch the video on WROC here.